Navalny uses Court appearance for defiant Anti-War Speech
← Navalny uses Court appearance for defiant Anti-War Speech
And I think most people will realize, that the world of this time is not governed by the best possible attitudes, it is governed by selfishness, it is governed by ambitions, that are false.., it is developing around a financial center, that is unendurable and it is also exploiting and destroying the natural ressources, all these things are happening. Every Newspaper has articles on them, every Individual knows something about these matters, but he continues to ignore them, either believing, that there is nothing he can do about them or that he is too busy doing other things that he prefers to do, but the great working of Karma, which sometimes brings a human being to the edge of Chaos, it brings the collective Humanity, of which we are a part, also to the brink of Chaos. (Manly P. Hall)
Constantine used Christianity to make the enslavement of most of the European population acceptable to the victims because it was an act of God. When viewed in their true historical context, it is self-evident that the sole purpose for the specific combination of Constantine’s edicts was to enslave serfs and make rebellion a sin. (Joseph Atwill)
Das Wesen aller Tyrannei in Staat und Kirche ist: Offener Hochmut und geheime Furcht in unlösbarer Verbindung. Das Wesen aller Freiheit ist ideale Kraft des Geistes, der gewaltsame Verfolgungen des Gegners verschmäht. (Franz von Holtzendorff) [7456]
Ich habe genau dieselbe Ausbildung hinter mir gehabt, wie die meisten, die jetzt unter euch sind, die jetzt hier sind und von der Uni kommen, genau dieselbe einseitige Gehirnwäsche bekommen. / I have had exactly the same education behind me, like most of which are now among you who are here now and come out of university, get exactly the same unilateral brainwashing. (Dr. Matthias Rath)