Warum haben einige russische Panzer diese Gestelle auf dem Turm?
← Warum haben einige russische Panzer diese Gestelle auf dem Turm?
Wir müssen unsere Regierung gegen die unberechtigte Einflußnahme durch den militärisch-industriellen Komplex schützen. Das Potential für eine verhängnisvolle Zunahme unberechtigter Macht existiert und besteht fort. Wir dürfen unsere Freiheit und Demokratie niemals durch diesen Einfluß gefährden lassen. Wir sollten nichts als selbstverständlich betrachten. Nur wachsame und informierte Bürger können ein angemessenes Zusammenwirken dieser riesigen industriellen und militärischen Maschinerie mit unseren friedlichen Methoden und Absichten herbeiführen, so daß Sicherheit und Freiheit zusammen gedeihen können. (Dwight D. Eisenhower)
During the next ten years, the human race is destined to finally discover the facts about its true origins and destiny. As part of this discovery, we have to address the overwhelmingly important question of how the phenomena of evil came into the world and into the consciousness of Earth’s human inhabitants. This is a question that should be on the mind of every living man and woman. It has been with us for millennia and it will be with the children of the future if we do not come upon the answer now.
We have left the question of evil in the hands of theologians and scientists for too long. This was surely a mistake for, as the casualty statistics clearly testify, the institutions of religion and science have been the worst purveyors of evil that this planet has ever had to endure. After centuries of prevarication and criminality, we can no longer afford to look to these edifices to answer the all-important conundrum of evil…
The object of my book Atlantis, Alien Visitation and Genetic Manipulation, was to offer forth a theory concerning the origins of evil. I had long desired to discover how humankind’s penchant for sadism, cruelty, and injustice came about. The book tells the story of the intervention of alien beings from distant galaxies who, upon their arrival to our planet, engaged in several genetic hybridization experiments. As a result of these transgenic experiments, “homo sapiens” inherited a divided biology and psyche. This transgression of biological sovereignty by the alien visitors caused man to be perpetually at war with himself. Man’s schizophrenic nature has given rise to schizogenic societies infested with injustice, crime, delinquency, and perversity. This is psychology “101” and it remains a self-evident fact regardless of whether the deep symbiotic connections between mind and world are acknowledged and accepted or whether they are not. Sadly, it may take another age before people of today’s spiritually impoverished world understand the subtle rapport between microcosm and macrocosm. (Michael Tsarion) (Atlantis, Alien Visitation and Genetic Manipulation)(„Truth Against the World“)
I state unequivocally that the above definition is woefully incomplete and inadequate, and that the CDC and medical establish have been totally negligent in studying this system of disorders, and have provided no treatment, support, or comfort, at all to the patients afflicted. I will further state that evidence is emerging that this system of disorders (poorly named Morgellons) is in almost everyone, including those who read this letter, but that clinical manifestations are not manifested
to a recognizable degree. (Dr. Edward Spencer)
Remember the 3rd Reich was nothing compared to the 4th Reich you are currently living in...it is much more subtle...many system-conforming and system-molded people may notice nothing...but the weapon systems and methods of attack, control, sabotage, torture and subjugation of today are cruel and/or subtle beyond your imagination and they can reach anyone and everywhere on this Planet.... (and mainly or even only created to terrorize, impair and debase the civilian (often unwitting) population) (Ingmar Veeck)(2016)(22.12.)