Russia-Ukraine War: Ukraine’s Kiev Prepares For Russian Assault | India First With Gaurav Sawant
← Russia-Ukraine War: Ukraine’s Kiev Prepares For Russian Assault | India First With Gaurav Sawant
The method of the medical oligarchy and the whole defense story of the NWO-Matrix fence in terms of Transhumanism:
DOC REACTION: ICD-Brainwashed SLEEPING DOCTOR 1 (male): Are you insane?
“FACT – MORGELLON´S is Patent US 6245531. US Patented Military Bio-Weapon With Insect DNA Ecdysone In Humans.”
DOC ACTION: INFORMED PATIENT 2 : I have Morgellons for 10 Years. DOC REACTION: ICD-Brainwashed SLEEPING DOCTOR 2 (female): Ignorance and fury. (subconsciously knows that something is wrong, but uses aggression and cognitive dissonance as a strategy and defense mechanism to avoid responsibility)(
"Relativity applies to physics, not ethics. (Albert Einstein)"
Der Grund, warum Menschen zum Schweigen gebracht werden ist nicht, weil sie lügen, sondern weil sie die Wahrheit reden. Wenn Menschen lügen, können ihre eigenen Worte gegen sie angewendet werden, doch wenn sie die Wahrheit sagen, gibt es kein logisches Argument, sondern als Gegenmittel nur die Gewalt. (Theodor Fontane)
According to our best estimates, more than half of all U.S. government records are classified. For an archivist seeking to preserve and understand our history, that means most of our history is kept secret from us, Think about that for a moment. (Richard Dolan)