Ukrainian Forces Shoot Down Russian Aircraft On Outskirts Of Chernihiv | Russia-Ukraine War
← Ukrainian Forces Shoot Down Russian Aircraft On Outskirts Of Chernihiv | Russia-Ukraine War
Any fool can run toward the light. It takes a master to turn and face the darkness and shine his own light. (Leslie Fieger)
Government is actually the worst failure of civilized man. There has never been a really good one, and even those that are most tolerable are arbitrary, cruel, grasping and unintelligent. (H.L. Mencken)
By the way, for those who haven’t read my books, mental hospitals, are used for mind control. (Frit Springmeier)(2015)
They could simultaneously use teleportation and chronovision. They could use chronovision to absolutely deprive us of any form of privacy. As we know we find ourselves on a frightening threshold of a global police surveillance state. We must prevent that the Government achieves a T.I.A. (Total Information Awareness) People should own the right of freedom and happiness. . (Andrew D. Basiago)(Project Pegasus, Teleportation and Time Travel)