Russia Claims To Destroy 2119 Ukrainian Military Buildings – Ukraine 269 RU Tanks destroyed
← Russia Claims To Destroy 2119 Ukrainian Military Buildings – Ukraine 269 RU Tanks destroyed
Everything that can be Invented, has been Invented. (Charles Duell - 1899)
The less their ability, the more their conceit.
The NSA engages in genocide, terrorism, torture, war crimes and sex crimes, using satellites across the sky and massive databanks in server farms, in 7
locations, military bases across the country, it attacks innocent Targeted Individuals (TIs) with invisible Rays, these waves, like Radar, Radio, MicroWave, T.V., ELF, VHF compel targets to engage in thoughts and behavior they would not otherwise have and do, the Magic is in the Computer code, particularly the Artificial Intelligence which creates Mind Control. (Laura Solway)(2015)(3)(Zombie News 60 Military)
Facebook ist ein entdynamisierendes System, ohne Kollektivpool zerstreut es gezielt die Massen, deswegen kann man es nur als virtuelles Konzentrationslager von DARPA/CIA/NSA/DOD bezeichnen. (Ingmar Veeck)(2014)(20.9.) [11532]