Ukraine captures Russian TOS-1A thermobaric rocket launcher.
← Ukraine captures Russian TOS-1A thermobaric rocket launcher.
People look up things on Wikipedia, they look up things on Google, all the rest of that, all that is government owned. Google owns Youtube, Google owns many other search engines. Google is essentially a government contractor as much as boeing as much as any other defense contractor and it was paid for and funded as a government project in the first place when it was organized at Stanford. As a matter of fact its original address was, that´s a government address. (Douglas Dietrich)
Silence is one of the hardest arguments to refute.
Conspiracy Revelation Archive: 26. März 2014 um 15:51: I wonder how many Aluminium ressources this planet has... for how many years might they be able to dump this Alu-Nanorain on the people...
Psychiatrists - the worst and most disgusting people on this planet! They will stick their claws into you and suck you into their sick little world by any chance they get. (Anja Iversen)(2015)