Russian „Pantsir-S“ with Ukrainian flag being used against Russians.
← Russian „Pantsir-S“ with Ukrainian flag being used against Russians.
To be an individual is the hardest thing in the world, because nobody likes you to be an individual. Everybody wants to kill your individuality and to make a sheep out of you. Nobody wants you to be on your own. (Osho)
The general populace needs to wake up at what´s going on, because your children - the next generation of children - are all going to have microchips inserted into their brains, it is gonna happen. It is gonna be their first experience of Life: Neurosurgery. An injection straight into the brain, once this has happened there can be no political dissent in the future. Everybody will be assigned a job to do. They will robotize our society. (Kieron Lee
Perrin) (Implantee - Milab)
Ingmar Veeck: 22. Juni 2014: Nur mal zur Info und Rekapitulation: Facebook und Youtube sind zionistische Zensurveranstaltungen. Einen kollektiven Kommunikationspool, wie bei Wkw, wird man hier nicht finden, was wohl auch ein Grund ist, warum Wkw abgeschafft wurde. Lediglich separate, abgeschirmte und durch KI-Algos zensierte Seiten findet man hier. Der Kommunikationsfluss unter den Menschen wird subtil sabotiert, getreu dem Motto teile und herrsche.
You simply have to turn your back on a culture that has gone sterile and dead and get with the program of a living world and the imagination. (Terence McKenna) [24114]