Ukrainian soldiers clear road in Lugansk region after fighting
← Ukrainian soldiers clear road in Lugansk region after fighting
“It is a great evil for a Chief of a nation to be born the enemy of the freedom whose defender he should be. (Jean-Jacques Rousseau)"
Then it brings freedom to you, and freedom is the ultimate value. There is nothing higher than that. Freedom is the highest truth. It is another name for god. (Osho)
We´re running into a lot of new problems today because of what we emphasize in this culture. The word ‘success´ to the average person means earning a lot of money and having a home, two cars, children in college. Success to me is entirely different to what success is to the average person. Success is being a successful human being in terms of pursuing what you believe in. If you believe in making paintings, writing poetry, writing music. If this is what you really want, you´re successful to yourself. But to be successful to your culture means to sell yourself short of what you really want. (Jacque Fresco) [41337]
Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland ist kein Rechtsstaat, sondern seit Ende 1990 eine Parteien-Diktatur und genau genommen ein juristischer Trickbetrug mit arglistiger Täuschung. (Prof. D. von Hüller)