NWO-Zentrale-NSA-CIA-Zion-Luzi-Goo-Genozid-Appstore blockiert Telegram-Channel von ConspiracyRevelation…
The CIA time travel apparatus using advanced quantum access, interdimensional technology, which the rest of the population does not know and which the media is conveniently controlled, we attempted to make this public in a major newspaper article in november 2011... and the result was that my contract franchise with that newspaper examiner.com was illegaly broken. (Alfred Lambremont Webre)
“Conditions of misery, suffering, war, and war profiteering were the incentive and inspiration for my work. I was also motivated by the seeming incompetence of governments, the academic world, and a lack of solutions from scientists. Many fail as generalists because of their over-specialization on limited aspects of social problems. Scientists, politicians, and academicians see problems from inside the system they’re in, which is what’s responsible for the problems in the first place. I am disappointed with those who worry about terra-forming other planets while our own is still full of war, poverty, hunger, and environmental neglect.” (Jacque Fresco)
"The doctor of the future will be oneself. / Der Arzt der Zukunft wird man selbst sein. (Albert Schweitzer)" [73597]
"Wer Deutschland für kapitalistisch hält, der hält auch Kuba für demokratisch. (Guido Westerwelle)(2005) (Zitate und Aphorismen)"