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There are two potential violators of man´s rights: the criminals and the government. (Ayn Rand)
Es bleiben immer ein paar, die von Natur aus besser Geborene sind: die spüren den Druck des Joches und müssen den Versuch machen, es abzuschütteln. Die gewöhnen sich nie an die Unterdrückung, vergessen nie ihre natürlichen Rechte und gedenken immer der Vorfahren und ihres ursprünglichen Wesens: das sind freilich die, die einen guten Verstand und einen hellen Geist haben und sich nicht wie die große Masse mit dem Anblick dessen begnügen, was ihnen zu Füßen liegt. (Étienne de La Boëtie)
We are gonna kick the parasites out. The Alien Agenda is the complete take over of this Planet and the killing of 50, 60 to 70% of the worlds population by the year 2029. US Military has known about this for 45 years, they told no one. AFAIK I am the only person standing before a crowd talking about the alien agenda secretly. I am the only living survivor talking about world wide. The New World Order and the Alien Agenda is one and the same! I was picked because I was very strong mentally, we were picked because we don´t crack under pressure, we don´t freak under pressure. (Phil Schneider statements (1995)
"If people understand, nobody, nobody, no matter what they do, is worth to get paid 2 or 3 million dollars a year.
People should be able to get rich if they want to, by the sweat of their individual labour, okay, by..doing something for the world, not by taking peoples minds away...football is a game..but let me tell you something, when a 150 of the most powerful men and women in the world can meet in secret in Baden-Baden, Germany, and plot the fate of billions and nobody even cares about it, but 6 football players go to lunch together and it´s in the headlines across the country, you have a reflection of the society in which that exists and it is a sick, sick society, that´ s doomed to self-destruction..and that´s what makes me so sick, I am trying to wake up people. (William Cooper)"