Graphen/e Genozid/Genocide – LaQuintaColumna_- Biotech Infiltration + Radiation Explained 2021 12 (1-90)
“The government means industry, if you know what I mean.”
“Our society cannot be maintained by this type of incompetency.” (Jacque Fresco)
A patient cured is a customer lost. Say this again: A patient cured is a customer lost. (Robert Bob Beck)
The inherent contradiction of human life has now reached an extreme degree of tension: on the one side there is the consciousness of the beneficence of the law of love, and on the other the existing order of life which has for centuries occasioned an empty, anxious, restless, and troubled mode of life, conflicting as it does with the law of love and built on the use of violence. This contradiction must be faced, and the solution will evidently not be favourable to the outlived law of violence, but to the truth which has dwelt in the hearts of men from remote antiquity: the truth that the law of love is in accord with the nature of man. But men can only recognize this truth to its full extent when they have completely freed themselves from all religious and scientific superstitions and from all the consequent misrepresentations and sophistical distortions by which its recognition has been hindered for centuries. (Leo Tolstoi)
Was die Erfahrung aber und die Geschichte lehren, ist dieses, daß Völker und Regierungen niemals etwas aus der Geschichte gelernt und nach Lehren, die aus derselben zu ziehen gewesen wären, gehandelt haben. (G.W.F. Hegel)