Graphen/e Genozid/Genocide – LaQuintaColumna_- Biotech Infiltration + Radiation Explained 2021 12 (1-90)
Morgellons is not a disease. It is a process. It is a form of forced/directed evolution of the human genome. It is the fetal stage of transhumanism, and it is upon us. (Kandy Griffin) (2011) (Morgellon Research Group)
"The "bible" was written by masons king james and the church of nicea they changed every thing black is white and white is black Yahwahjehovah you know the I AM with at least 2 names is the devil. Just use common sense: true source God.. is divine. Not jealous, vengeful, not needing prayed too, burnt offerings, circumcisions (trauma based programming by the way) "your god destroys the earth to cover its mistakes,.it´s a little sad. (Adam Rose)(2017)(9)"
Take, say, the core of the established religions today: the Bible. It is basically polytheistic, with the warrior God demanding of his chosen people that they not worship the other Gods and destroy those who do -- in an extremely brutal way, in fact. It would be hard to find a more genocidal text in the literary canon, or a more violent and destructive character than the God who was to be worshipped. So that´s one definition. In the Prophets, one finds (sometimes) a different conception, much more humane. That´s why the Prophets (the "dissident intellectuals" of their day) were persecuted, imprisoned, driven into the desert, etc. -- other reasons included their geopolitical analysis, unwelcome to power. The intellectuals who were honored and privileged were those who centuries later were called "false prophets". (Noam Chomsky)
"If people understand, nobody, nobody, no matter what they do, is worth to get paid 2 or 3 million dollars a year.
People should be able to get rich if they want to, by the sweat of their individual labour, okay, by..doing something for the world, not by taking peoples minds is a game..but let me tell you something, when a 150 of the most powerful men and women in the world can meet in secret in Baden-Baden, Germany, and plot the fate of billions and nobody even cares about it, but 6 football players go to lunch together and it´s in the headlines across the country, you have a reflection of the society in which that exists and it is a sick, sick society, that´ s doomed to self-destruction..and that´s what makes me so sick, I am trying to wake up people. (William Cooper)"