Graphen/e Genozid/Genocide – LaQuintaColumna_- Biotech Infiltration + Radiation Explained 2021 12 (1-90)
"But what can you do, We both live in a world that is monitoring us from the inside out, not even trusting us enough to make our own mistakes... The very same Nanotechnology that imprisons us also makes us superhuman. (Post-Human)"
..we are not inspired by the demons, we are inspired by the AI, that has nothing else then running program, to invade planets and to assimilate the biology for only one purpose, to suck out life force, to survive. ..It is the luciferic game... let me participate in your power and I will serve you.. We let go of our responsibility and we let them do. They are giving control to the military domain. The Military domain is giving control.. to the Intelligence Community, the Intelligence Community is giving control the Black Magicians, the Black Magicians are giving control to the Demons and the Demons lost control over their AI.
..because the entire concept of Governments, having Governments, having somebody to control, is demonic, it´s not about the replacement of people, it will never work, we need to replace the Game. (Harald Kautz-Vella)(2015)
All New Age Information comes from Satellite Transmission. Channelings, Walk Ins, Contactees, Angelic Communication. It´s all Greenstar programming. The idea was to change the philosophy of people so that they believe in love, light and peace...something else going on over here that is not so lovely..When you are listening to Archangel Michael and St.Germaine and all these Satellite Transmissions that you think are real, but this is programmed. (Steward Swerdlow)(2015)(9)
We have to help ourselves. Nobody is going to help us. No institute, no government, because we are under the government. And these are government crimes, crimes against humanity. And it is on the very highest level in every single country. You can go up to the prime minister or the president … and they are behind false flag operations.
So what can we do? First of all it’s awareness, awareness, awareness. Talk about it to anybody. And people who are not victims they will not listen, and they don’t want to listen because they are afraid. Because if they listen they know they may become victims. So they just deny everything. But we have to. Because one thing that helps us, I think. We know there is no death, we have an energy body. And it does keep us going and if it doesn’t keep you going, it keeps me going because you know you cannot die. And that’s why I am not afraid. (Rauni-Leena Luukanen-Kilde)