Graphen/e Genozid/Genocide – LaQuintaColumna_- Biotech Infiltration + Radiation Explained 2021 12 (1-90)
We are on the very edge of becoming a completely manipulated robotical society and once that´s totally in place it´s gonna be very difficult to get rid of it. (Stewart Swerdlow)
Anne Lane: 27.3.2019: Unless the criminals in police and government are jailed these crimes can’t stop.
They steal your looks, health, wealth, home assets, all your valuables, your clout, status, reputation; they completely steal your life! Gangstalkers are 99% government criminals or use government criminals to criminally assault you 24/7, all based on frauds they made up.
You simply have to turn your back on a culture that has gone sterile and dead and get with the program of a living world and the imagination. (Terence McKenna) [24114]
You must understand, the leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. It cannot be overstated. Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators. (Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn)