Retrospective View / Retrospektive Sicht Chemtrails 2013-2021
← Retrospective View / Retrospektive Sicht Chemtrails 2013-2021
Jeder anständige Mensch schämt sich für die Regierung, unter welcher er lebt. (H.L. Mencken)
Wir wissen ja mittlerweile, dass in jedem CPU-Prozessor ein Trojaner von Zion und dem Department of War drin ist…was fast alle Security-Tools und die gesamte Antiviren-Industrie Ad-Absurdum führt.
In the meantime we already know that in every CPU processor there is a Trojan from Zion and the Department of War... which makes a mockery out of almost all security tools and the entire anti-virus industry. (Ingmar Veeck)(2018)(6.8.)
Any fool can run toward the light. It takes a master to turn and face the darkness and shine his own light. (Leslie Fieger)
"The true Human Being is the Innermost, He does not have problems. The problems are from the mind. (Samael Aun Weor)" [73877]