What If The Dinosaur Extinction Didn’t Happen 65,000,000 Years Ago?
← What If The Dinosaur Extinction Didn’t Happen 65,000,000 Years Ago?
Dann melden sich die Leute, die merken, was mit der Psychiatrie faul ist. Das ist reine Quacksalberei in riesiger Dimension, das ist wirklich Quacksalberei... Diese chemische Balance im Gehirn, alles Quatsch, das geht über Skalarwellen. (Henning Witte) (2015)
“When enough people understand reality, tyrants can literally be ignored out of existence. They can't ever be voted out of existence. (Larken Rose)"
The whole educational and professional training system is a very elaborate filter, which just weeds out people who are too independent, and who think for themselves, and who don´t know how to be submissive, and so on -- because they´re dysfunctional to the institutions. (Noam Chomsky)
“La liberté n'est dans aucune forme de gouvernement, elle est dans le coeur de l'homme libre ; il la porte partout avec lui. L'homme vil porte partout la servitude. (Jean-Jacques Rousseau)"