Telegram-Zusammenfassung, weil ihr ja scheinbar eine Allergie dagegen habt oder die NWO dort alles zensiert.
They could simultaneously use teleportation and chronovision. They could use chronovision to absolutely deprive us of any form of privacy. As we know we find ourselves on a frightening threshold of a global police surveillance state. We must prevent that the Government achieves a T.I.A. (Total Information Awareness) People should own the right of freedom and happiness. . (Andrew D. Basiago)(Project Pegasus, Teleportation and Time Travel)
“It is a great evil for a Chief of a nation to be born the enemy of the freedom whose defender he should be. (Jean-Jacques Rousseau)"
A psychotic psychiatrist....dangerous corrupted bastard, psychiatry is a fraud and another weapon of destruction....they all need to be locked away. (Janis Ferguson)(2015)
Religion is a private matter; it should not be brought into public issues or into the province of government. (Ayn Rand)