Telegram-Zusammenfassung, weil ihr ja scheinbar eine Allergie dagegen habt oder die NWO dort alles zensiert.
The two main criminals are France and the United States. (Noam Chomsky)
NASA .. probably the most comical group of liars ever assembled in human history. (Colin Mitchell Williams)
"If people understand, nobody, nobody, no matter what they do, is worth to get paid 2 or 3 million dollars a year.
People should be able to get rich if they want to, by the sweat of their individual labour, okay, by..doing something for the world, not by taking peoples minds is a game..but let me tell you something, when a 150 of the most powerful men and women in the world can meet in secret in Baden-Baden, Germany, and plot the fate of billions and nobody even cares about it, but 6 football players go to lunch together and it´s in the headlines across the country, you have a reflection of the society in which that exists and it is a sick, sick society, that´ s doomed to self-destruction..and that´s what makes me so sick, I am trying to wake up people. (William Cooper)"
How does something immoral, when done privately, become moral when it is done collectively? Furthermore, does legality establish morality? Slavery was legal; apartheid is legal; Stalinist, Nazi, and Maoist purges were legal. Clearly, the fact of legality does not justify these crimes. Legality, alone, cannot be the talisman of moral people. (Walter E. Williams)
(All It Takes Is Guts)