Telegram-Memetik-Tagesmix 12.8.2021
Chantal GD: 27.5.2017: Covert implantation is more common than even most ´truthers´ realize. There are many doctors and dentists in almost all nations who are complicit in doing this during otherwise routine procedures. / Remember that a good percentage of those who pursue medicine and dentistry do it for the money and prestige- not because they want to help people. That said, they´re happy to receive pay-offs to do such things and keep their mouth closed because they never really cared to begin with.
"CIA implanted electrodes in brains of unsuspecting soldiers, suit alleges A group of military veterans are suing to get the CIA to come clean about allegedly implanting remote control devices in their brains. RAWSTORY.COM"
Das Schweigen der Massen ist das Verbrechen, für das sie büßen. Das Schweigen ist die schwerste Verfolgung. Niemals haben die Heiligen geschwiegen. (Blaise Pascal)(1623-1662)
Ich tat mein Bestes, um auf diesem Wege auch das älteste Ziel unserer psychologischen Kriegführung zu fördern: Deutsche gegen Deutsche aufzuhetzen. (Sefton Delmer)(1961)
Government attempts to prevent a few future invasions by committing permanent invasions against everyone. (Murray N. Rothbard)