Richard E Bird’s Secrete Diary
← Richard E Bird’s Secrete Diary
An American has no sense of privacy. He does not know what it means.There is no such thing in the country. (George Bernard Shaw)
Dann melden sich die Leute, die merken, was mit der Psychiatrie faul ist. Das ist reine Quacksalberei in riesiger Dimension, das ist wirklich Quacksalberei... Diese chemische Balance im Gehirn, alles Quatsch, das geht über Skalarwellen. (Henning Witte) (2015)
Conspiracy Revelation Archive Vol.78: 26. September 2015:
So people will not be able to live off of the wild life. New Zealand is doing the same thing. I can´t believe what they are doing…so, it´s looking pretty ugly.. Surprisingly the University of California U.C. Berkeley and U.C. Davis are involved in these Military programs.. (Paul Sandhu: Why do you say surprisingly? Universities have always been involved with the Military all over, most of these weapons research, biological, biowarfare research, electronic harassment, all these are done at Universities, all over the country.) It all comes out of the Universities, you are totally right. The Universities were started by Bankers and they are very occult, in other words satanic and demonic… (Leuren Moret)(2015)(09.12.)(on Jade Helm, Syrian Refugee Propaganda, Electronic Terrorism, More)"
Chemtrailing is a manifestation of the Fourth Reich, an era of corporate fascism ushered in by a powerful military juggernaut, which manufactures enemies and unleashes fake terror attacks to scare us into voiceless submission. (Amy Worthington)