Richard E Bird’s Secrete Diary
← Richard E Bird’s Secrete Diary
Then it brings freedom to you, and freedom is the ultimate value. There is nothing higher than that. Freedom is the highest truth. It is another name for god. (Osho)
The beauty of our system is that it isolates everybody. (Noam Chomsky)
I think the direct attempt to take over the light body of humans by synthetic RNA which is half split DNA, this is the newest Technology out, I know it ´s airborne since 2003 in Europe, so basically the European population is infected and it works perfectly to the extend of turning Ego-Driven Humans to Biorobots, full take over. So the consciousness out of the field can just hoover into the Human and take over all aspects of the physical being, do whatever it wants to do with the body, talk whatever and think whatever, so basically this is working perfectly... The fact that it is becoming known because one of the head developpers.. put out some information. (Harald Kautz-Vella)(2015)(8)
Das Schweigen der Massen ist das Verbrechen, für das sie büßen. Das Schweigen ist die schwerste Verfolgung. Niemals haben die Heiligen geschwiegen. (Blaise Pascal)(1623-1662)