Richard E Bird’s Secrete Diary
← Richard E Bird’s Secrete Diary
Scott Carawan: 25.3.2017: Society never needed oil or an energy grid since Tesla. There is a plethora of alternate energies that have been available. To me anyone working for a living SURVIVING off money is an idiot/"happy" slave...
Collective Evolution is a severely manipulated website, like CIABook in general... but this is a major Zion/CIA/Palantir Base, incl. Censorship, privacy leaks and unexpected Facebook kick outs. (Ingmar Veeck)(2014)(17.7.)
To the horrified astonishment of his apprentice, the elder sorcerer explains how the human mind has been infiltrated by an alien intelligence: We have a predator that came from the depths of the cosmos and took over the rule of our lives. Human beings are its prisoners. The predator is our lord and master. It has rendered us docile, helpless. If we want to protest, it suppresses our protest. If we want to act independently, it demands that we don’t do so. Sorcerers believe that the predators have given us our systems of beliefs, our ideas of good and evil, our social mores. They are the ones who set up our hopes and expectations and dreams of success or failure. They have given us covetousness, greed and cowardice. It is the predators who make us complacent, routinary and egomaniacal. (Carlos Castaneda)
“Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of the body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day.
(Thomas Jefferson)"