Graphene, Nürnberg 2.0, NWO Genocide Vax
← Graphene, Nürnberg 2.0, NWO Genocide Vax
We are not only living in fascism, since the rapid evolution of bio-permeable nano-technology, we are now in a state of super fascism. (Ingmar Veeck)(2013)(6.11.)
There is an objective reality and everyone can check it with a microscope onto yourself. It is called transhumanist takeover of biological entities for the purpose of total control of the world.
/ Es gibt eine objektive Realität und die kann jeder mit einem Mikroskop an sich selbst nachprüfen. Man nennt sie transhumanistische Übernahme von biologischen Entitäten zwecks totaler Kontrolle der Welt. (Ingmar Veeck) (2014)(11)
"If God is within each man, then the enemy of man is any top-heavy system claiming a monopoly on truth and dispensing it downward. Why eventually will laws be necessary at all? I foresee a godly anarchy. No authority here on earth will have to
tell any man what to do, or even educate him; the Logos will do that - link him up. A truly egalitarian society should result. (Philip K. Dick) [8114]"
„We are rapidly entering the age of no privacy, where everyone is open to surveillance at all times; where there are no secrets from government. (William O. Douglas)“