Secret Files on The Eye of The Sahara & The Lost Ancient City of Atlantis | Richat Structure Africa
Once human beings are exposed to the truth, their decision to ridicule it manifests so quickly, one could think that human beings are actually robots that were programmed to do so. -unknown-
Einerseits wollen sie der Menschheit Unsterblichkeit anbieten, andererseits beschleunigen sie den Alterungsprozess und die Umweltvergiftung und Humanpathogenisierung wo sie nur können... (Ingmar Veeck)(2015)
Morgellons is not a disease. It is a process. It is a form of forced/directed evolution of the human genome. It is the fetal stage of transhumanism, and it is upon us. (Kandy Griffin) (2011) (Morgellon Research Group)
Religion is a private matter; it should not be brought into public issues or into the province of government. (Ayn Rand)