Secret Files on The Eye of The Sahara & The Lost Ancient City of Atlantis | Richat Structure Africa
A psychotic psychiatrist....dangerous corrupted bastard, psychiatry is a fraud and another weapon of destruction....they all need to be locked away. (Janis Ferguson)(2015)
It is evident that a great majority of men can be enslaved by a small minority only if the enslaved themselves take part in their own enslavement. If people are enslaved, it is only because they either fight violence with violence or participate in violence for their own personal profit. Those who neither struggle against violence nor take part in it can no more be enslaved than water can be cut. They can be robbed, prevented from moving about, wounded or killed, but they cannot be enslaved: that is, made to act against their own reasonable will. (Leo Tolstoi)
Duldet ein Volk die Untreue und die Fahrlässigkeit von Richtern und Ärzten, so ist es dekadent und steht vor der Auflösung. (Platon)
Some demons are so strong that we need to purify our bodies with fasting before we can get them out... Generational sins & curses have to be broken. Curses & sins from our culture can make us vulnerable also. When we determine how the demon got authority to come into our life.. Some have such powerful control over a person that the controlled person may shake and pass out when the demon leaves. (Fritz Springmeier) (2014)