2021 Military Strength Ranking
It is an adventure I am so glad happy honored to be here in 2015 joining in this battle with you and the liberty loving people in america and around the world to take back our civilization and we are going to win because what I also have to do is to talk to the gang stalkers individually and theymelt and they breakdown, the programming just disappears, it's not that strong.(Darrell Hamamoto) (2015)(11)
"Bob Marley "Babylon System": Rebel, rebel! Babylon system is the vampire, yea! (vampire) Suckin´ the children day by day, yeah! Me say:
de Babylon system is the vampire, falling empire, Suckin´ the blood of the sufferers, yea-ea-ea-ea-e-ah! Building church and university, wo-o-ooh, yeah! - Deceiving the people continually, yea-ea! Me say them graduatin´ thieves and murderers; Look out now: they suckin´ the blood of the sufferers (sufferers). Yea-ea-ea! (sufferers) Tell the children the truth; Tell the children the truth; Tell the children the truth right now! Come on and tell the children the truth.. (we´ve been oppressed, yeah!)"
Chantal GD: 27.5.2017: Covert implantation is more common than even most ´truthers´ realize. There are many doctors and dentists in almost all nations who are complicit in doing this during otherwise routine procedures. / Remember that a good percentage of those who pursue medicine and dentistry do it for the money and prestige- not because they want to help people. That said, they´re happy to receive pay-offs to do such things and keep their mouth closed because they never really cared to begin with.
"CIA implanted electrodes in brains of unsuspecting soldiers, suit alleges A group of military veterans are suing to get the CIA to come clean about allegedly implanting remote control devices in their brains. RAWSTORY.COM"
Tom Eichhorn: 30.3.2017: Ist das nicht erschreckend wieviel Menschen im Saarland ihre Geiselnehmer wieder wählten, obwohl sie von ihnen belogen, verraten und ausgepreßt werden ? Selbst Wahlgewinnerin Kramp-Karrenbauer hatte sich eine solche Totalverblödung "nicht in den kühnsten Träumen vorgestellt". /(Politik) /(Tragik) /(Idiotie) /(Dumme Menschenmassen) /(Dummvirus) /(Mindcontrol) /(Wahnsinn) /(Sklaverei) / Faton Nikqi: Stockholm Syndrom.