Fake Guru : 3 – A Complete Bio of all Fake Gurus…
← Fake Guru : 3 – A Complete Bio of all Fake Gurus…
Institutionalized Psychiatry has become an instrument of civilian control in the Modern State. ..Psychiatric techniques have turned the Soviet population into a herd of terrified and apathetic automatons. High technology Soviet mind control has been employed against political
dissidents. In the United States the American Mental Health Industry holds Soviet-style plans to replace the American justice system with mind control operations. ..America might be turned into a nation of obedient, suicidal zombies. (W.H. Bowart and Richard Sutton) (THE INVISIBLE THIRD WORLD WAR)
Free energy forums delete all information about how CROP CIRCLES are created. I posted the relevant info but I was deleted from all forums I tried, which means the knowledge that MAGNETS are natural MASER emitters have been banned from science. Whenever two magnets cancel themselves it generates COHERENT ENERGY which is the same as LASER only it is not visible laser, it is INVISIBLE LASER, with very special properties of a EXTREME LOW FREQUENCY which happens only in case of this invisible laser, better called MASER, like drawing CROP CIRCLES or reading the human mind, but in spite of the fact that satellite MASER is used everyday to read the minds of six billion peoples with a thing as simple as a MAGNET, that knowlege, how it works has been kept secret. Professors in Universities will bluntly lie and say MAGNETS do not emit MASER, when MAGNETS is in fact the first and most important source of MASER in nature, so we have a problem, we have THE SCIENTISTS fooling us straight away and when one try to show their lies, the posts are deleted. ..then it becomes a MASER EMITER capable of drawing crop circles.. (WAD Pereira)(2015)(10)
Wenn ich an Krebs erkranken würde, dann würde ich mich auf gar keinen Fall in einem herkömmlichen Krebszentrum behandeln lassen. Es haben nur die Krebsopfer eine Überlebens-Chance, die sich von solchen Zentren fernhalten. (Prof. Dr. Charles Mathe) (franz. Onkologe)
Der erste Schritt ein Volk zu liquidieren, ist seine Erinnerung auszulöschen. Zerstöre seine Bücher, seine Kultur und seine Geschichte. Danach soll jemand neue Bücher schreiben, eine neue Kultur erzeugen und eine neue Geschichte erfinden. Innerhalb kurzer Zeit wird das Volk vergessen was es war und was es ist. Die Welt ringsherum wird es noch schneller vergessen. (Sefton Delmer)