DRINGENDER WECKRUF: Tausende sterben nach Corona-Impfung!
← DRINGENDER WECKRUF: Tausende sterben nach Corona-Impfung!
Conspiracy Revelation Archive Vol.94
7. Januar 2016 ·
"Hell, what has the government done? These guys can't even handle the living, never mind the undead, implanted representatives and senators, mind controlled or not.
Zombie Holocaust has proved to be the most profitable business ever, corprations are profiting like never before, in order to being able to keep on pushing the GDP higher and higher, the implanted zombies must be further DOMESTICATED, and that is the job of American Universities and Professors in today's world. (A. Pereira)"
Government is not reason; it is not eloquence. It is force. And force like fire is a dangerous servant and a fearful master. (George Washington)
The difficulty is to really understand the double paradox, that we are evolutionary processing entities on earthly level and infinite eternal souls on transdimensional level, now they created an artificial interface between those natural double states, which causes a triple paradox and a lot of disturbances within our own state of being..
Die Schwierigkeit ist es, das Dopplerparadoxon wirklich zu verstehen, daß wir auf irdischer Ebene evolutionäre Prozessierungs-Entitäten sind und unendlich-ewige Seelen auf transdimensionaler Ebene, jetzt haben sie eine künstliche Schnittstelle zwischen diesen natürlichen Doppler-Zuständen erschaffen, welche ein dreifaches Paradoxon verursachen und eine Menge Störungen innerhalb unseres eigenen Seinszustandes. (Ingmar Veeck)(2015)
Silence is one of the hardest arguments to refute.