DRINGENDER WECKRUF: Tausende sterben nach Corona-Impfung!
← DRINGENDER WECKRUF: Tausende sterben nach Corona-Impfung!
"Frederick Douglass, a former slave, witnessed and described that exact phenomenon among his fellow slaves, many of whom were proud of how hard they worked for their masters and how faithfully they did as they were told. From their perspective, a runaway slave was a shameful thief, having "stolen" himself from the master. (Larken Rose, The Most Dangerous Superstition)
In the U.K. there is supposedly, every person in the U.K., if you are out walking in the street, you are photographed at least 30 times in one day and 1 out of 78 people in the U.K. is specifically monitored by security systems and as you know the U.K. is the most monitored camera crazy country in the universe and U.S. would be second and Germany as well. Everything you do and everything you say is on Camera and they want your Genetics. I´ve seen this in the train stations in U.K., but there are scientists that say: If you spit on the platform, they will get your dna and trace you on the government computers to know exactly who you were and your dna will be online forever in their computer system and will be find.. (Stewart Swerdlow)
Die glücklichen Sklaven sind die erbittertsten Feinde der Freiheit. (Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach)
Der Staatsapparat ist ein Zwangs- und Unterdrückungsapparat. Das Wesen der Staatstätigkeit ist, Menschen durch Gewaltanwendung oder Gewaltandrohung zu zwingen, sich anders zu verhalten, als sie sich aus freiem Antriebe verhalten würden. (Ludwig von Mises)