DRINGENDER WECKRUF: Tausende sterben nach Corona-Impfung!
← DRINGENDER WECKRUF: Tausende sterben nach Corona-Impfung!
The CIA time travel apparatus using advanced quantum access, interdimensional technology, which the rest of the population does not know and which the media is conveniently controlled, we attempted to make this public in a major newspaper article in november 2011... and the result was that my contract franchise with that newspaper examiner.com was illegaly broken. (Alfred Lambremont Webre)
"Retter Europas ist vor allem, wer es vor der Gefahr der politisch-religiös-sozialen Zwangseinheit und Zwangsnivellierung rettet, die seine spezifische Eigenschaft, nämlich den vielartigen Reichtum seines Geistes bedroht. (Jacob Burckhardt)"
“So much good my persecutors have done me by recklessly pouring out all the shafts of their hatred. They have deprived themselves of any power over me and henceforward I can laugh at them. (Jean-Jacques Rousseau)"
Silence is one of the hardest arguments to refute.