DRINGENDER WECKRUF: Tausende sterben nach Corona-Impfung!
← DRINGENDER WECKRUF: Tausende sterben nach Corona-Impfung!
„The Revolution of Lowered Expectations has been a monopolist´s heaven and a poor people´s hell. We intend to change that. (Robert Anton Wilson)“
Americans need to wake up. The government of the US and most if not all of the NATO countries are nothing more than state sponsored terrorists. Though all governments around the globe are corrupt, the center of power is also clearly the center of off the rails insanity. This power and criminal behavior has gone completely unchecked for so long that the magnitude of the threat it now poses is nearly incomprehensible.
From false flag events, to endless assassinations, to the decades long chemical spraying of global populations, the power structure is completely out of control. The only plausible chance for a change in direction rests in the hope that the US population will wake up and squarely face the monster it has helped to create by shear complacency. (Dane Wigington) (2014)
"“Unsere Regierung ist die kriminellste der Welt. Zweifellos, auch die meisten anderen sind kriminell – USA, Saudi-
Arabien, Israel, Türkei, um nur einige Beispiele zu nennen. Aber während diese ihre kriminelle Energie nach außen
richten, gegen andere Völker, richtet die deutsche Regierung ihre Aggressivität gegen das eigene Volk – sie ist keine
deutsche, sondern eine antideutsche Regierung. (Jürgen Elsässers)(2015)” Elsässer: “Deutsche Regierung ist die kriminellste der Welt.”
"The idea is to keep people in ignorance of anything that would be a problem to the control system. (David Icke) [60962]"