DRINGENDER WECKRUF: Tausende sterben nach Corona-Impfung!
← DRINGENDER WECKRUF: Tausende sterben nach Corona-Impfung!
"Communities tend to be guided less than individuals by conscience and a sense of responsibility. How much misery does this fact cause mankind! It is the source of wars and every kind of oppression, which fill the earth with pain, sighs and bitterness. (Albert Einstein)"
There is far more to this world than taught in our schools, shown in the media, or proclaimed by the church and state. Most of mankind lives in a hypnotic trance, taking to be reality what is instead a twisted simulacrum of reality, a collective dream in which values are inverted, lies are taken as truth, and tyranny is accepted as security. They enjoy their ignorance and cling tightly to the misery that gives them identity. (Henri Bergson)(1907)
Dumm ist nicht jemand, der etwas nicht weiß. Dumm ist jemand, der etwas nicht wissen will. (Dr. med. Dieter Hayek)
It is not necessary to understand things in order to argue about them.