Face-The-Pentagon-Censor-Fascists (FB) neueste Schikane: 34 Tagesbannung / Face-The-Pentagon-Censor-Fascists (FB) latest chicane: 34 days ban / MEM-MIX3
"The Chief of CNN told to leave the reports with him. He said: "America is earning from two things: Weapons and
Medicines. Biological weapons are no longer there and if medicines are also no longer needed then the economy of that country will shatter. It is a very serious matter. (Gurudev Siyag)
The whole educational and professional training system is a very elaborate filter, which just weeds out people who are too independent, and who think for themselves, and who don´t know how to be submissive, and so on -- because they´re dysfunctional to the institutions. (Noam Chomsky)
Scott Carawan: 25.3.2017: Society never needed oil or an energy grid since Tesla. There is a plethora of alternate energies that have been available. To me anyone working for a living SURVIVING off money is an idiot/"happy" slave...
All New Age Information comes from Satellite Transmission. Channelings, Walk Ins, Contactees, Angelic Communication. It´s all Greenstar programming. The idea was to change the philosophy of people so that they believe in love, light and peace...something else going on over here that is not so lovely..When you are listening to Archangel Michael and St.Germaine and all these Satellite Transmissions that you think are real, but this is programmed. (Steward Swerdlow)(2015)(9)