16×0-Thread-Rootkit in every Windows…. and only Antikeymagic, ProceXP and Gmer pointed to it.
← 16×0-Thread-Rootkit in every Windows…. and only Antikeymagic, ProceXP and Gmer pointed to it.
One of the tools of control over us is that they are keeping us sick. When you are weak and sick and not feeling well you are easier to control. (Fritz Springmeier)
Ist euer Geist schon so sehr der Vergewaltigung unterlegen, daß Ihr vergeßt, daß es nicht nur Euer Recht, sondern Eure sittliche Pflicht ist, dieses System zu beseitigen? (Die weiße Rose)
The largest scientific panel in human history is helping to hide the greatest crime in human history, what a surprise. (Dane Wigington) (2014)
But the problem is that when you poison the whole common world, you are also poisoned. If you poison the air which the common people breathe, the air that the king breathes will also be poisoned; it cannot be separate -- it is all one. When the priest poisons the common people, finally he also is poisoned. When the politician poisons the common people´s air, finally he also breathes the same air -- there is no other air. (Osho)