16×0-Thread-Rootkit in every Windows…. and only Antikeymagic, ProceXP and Gmer pointed to it.
← 16×0-Thread-Rootkit in every Windows…. and only Antikeymagic, ProceXP and Gmer pointed to it.
All the media and the politicians ever talk about is things that separate us, things that make us different from one another. (George Carlin)
Die Internetzombifikation hat aber seit 2010 drastisch zugelegt... (Ingmar Veeck)(2013)(21.2.) [5781]
Take, say, the core of the established religions today: the Bible. It is basically polytheistic, with the warrior God demanding of his chosen people that they not worship the other Gods and destroy those who do -- in an extremely brutal way, in fact. It would be hard to find a more genocidal text in the literary canon, or a more violent and destructive character than the God who was to be worshipped. So that´s one definition. In the Prophets, one finds (sometimes) a different conception, much more humane. That´s why the Prophets (the "dissident intellectuals" of their day) were persecuted, imprisoned, driven into the desert, etc. -- other reasons included their geopolitical analysis, unwelcome to power. The intellectuals who were honored and privileged were those who centuries later were called "false prophets". (Noam Chomsky)
People look up things on Wikipedia, they look up things on Google, all the rest of that, all that is government owned. Google owns Youtube, Google owns many other search engines. Google is essentially a government contractor as much as boeing as much as any other defense contractor and it was paid for and funded as a government project in the first place when it was organized at Stanford. As a matter of fact its original address was google@stanford.edu, that´s a government address. (Douglas Dietrich)