Homer didn’t live long enough To tell of Trump’s White House Which is his Trojan horse From which all the President’s men Burst out to destroy democracy And install corporations As absolute rulers of the world Ever more powerful than nations And it’s happening as we sleep Bow down, oh Common Man Bow down! (Lawrence Ferlinghetti)

Homer didn’t live long enough
To tell of Trump’s White House
Which is his Trojan horse
From which all the President’s men
Burst out to destroy democracy
And install corporations
As absolute rulers of the world
Ever more powerful than nations
And it’s happening as we sleep
Bow down, oh Common Man
Bow down! (Lawrence Ferlinghetti)

127330cookie-checkHomer didn’t live long enough To tell of Trump’s White House Which is his Trojan horse From which all the President’s men Burst out to destroy democracy And install corporations As absolute rulers of the world Ever more powerful than nations And it’s happening as we sleep Bow down, oh Common Man Bow down! (Lawrence Ferlinghetti)
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