Remember the 3rd Reich was nothing compared to the 4th Reich you are currently living in…it is much more subtle…many system-conforming and system-molded people may notice nothing…but the weapon systems and methods of attack, control, sabotage, torture and subjugation of today are cruel and/or subtle beyond your imagination and they can reach anyone and everywhere on this Planet…. (and mainly or even only created to terrorize, impair and debase the civilian (often unwitting) population) (Ingmar Veeck)(2016)(22.12.)

Remember the 3rd Reich was nothing compared to the 4th Reich you are currently living in…it is much more subtle…many system-conforming and system-molded people may notice nothing…but the weapon systems and methods of attack, control, sabotage, torture and subjugation of today are cruel and/or subtle beyond your imagination and they can reach anyone and everywhere on this Planet…. (and mainly or even only created to terrorize, impair and debase the civilian (often unwitting) population) (Ingmar Veeck)(2016)(22.12.)

100100cookie-checkRemember the 3rd Reich was nothing compared to the 4th Reich you are currently living in…it is much more subtle…many system-conforming and system-molded people may notice nothing…but the weapon systems and methods of attack, control, sabotage, torture and subjugation of today are cruel and/or subtle beyond your imagination and they can reach anyone and everywhere on this Planet…. (and mainly or even only created to terrorize, impair and debase the civilian (often unwitting) population) (Ingmar Veeck)(2016)(22.12.)
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