Valdimir Terziski interview, Part 23, continued…

“Valdimir Terziski interview, Part 23, continued…”
” V.T. – “…I have a feeling that the ‘head-hunting’ Delta Forces of the 2nd World War that were hunting for German scientists, rocket and other advanced scientists… I mean this is not the only time in history that such crack Illuminati forces had been scouting the planet for the most advanced research(ers) in any particular field. I have a feeling that in the last several hundred years this has been one of the major social functions or anti-functions, basically to make sure that no important invention would get past their fringes and be imple-mented in society.
S.R. – O.K…. [Vladimir Terziski of] the ‘American Academy of Dissident Scientists’, and actually we had Al Bielek on this program about 2 or 3 weeks ago, so we are in good company here with Vladimir then. Is that correct, you are a co-founder with him of this group? V.T. – Yes, yes. S.R. – …Excellent. And so what does the ‘Academy of Dissident Scientists’ really seek to do?
Vladimir Terziski. .. (end of one tape, section of the conversation not recorded. Continued on another tape. – Wol.)… first orbital station created in 1949 with antigravity propulsion. Something that’s right now… NASA is fighting to get more money again from Congress to do it for the public domain, for the mass circulation science, it had been done half a century earlier for the secret government science…
S.R. – Now along that line I’d like to ask a question about your knowledge of the Russian technologies. It is said that the Russians are really a lot farther ahead than we are…
V.T. – Not at all…
S.r. – Technologically.
Vladimir Terziski: My feeling is that not only the French Revolution and the Paris Commune and the Communism of Marx and Engels was financed and masterminded and orchestrated by the Illuminati, but so was the Bolshevik Revolution, the Nazi uprising in Italy, or the National Socialist and Nazi movement in Germany. And along that line, Wall Street has secretly been going to painstaking efforts to help behind-the-scenes the Russians in order for them to become a real strong external enemy and not to be just a ‘paper bear’, a flimsy paper bear. I have numerous accounts of how the Germans built all the munitions plants, 14 out of 15 munitions plants BEFORE the war started, the Second World Warstarted. They were all built by Germans… Rolls Royce built the turbo-jet factory for the MIG fighter plane engines, just in time for the beginning of the Korean war. I have a photograph in my possession of the best (at the time? …) American strategic bomber, the B-29, the one that
dropped the bomb over Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Under it’s wing there is hanging the best German twin-engine rocket interceptor, supersonic swept-wing rocket interceptor the DFS-346, and all of this under the red star markings of the Russian Air Force. How can somebody claim that there is not a secret siphoning of the most advanced technology behind-the-scenes… of the Cold War in order to make Russia the real enemy. I’ve heard rumors that the Russians were given enriched uranium to build their first nuclear bomb, and when they couldn’t do even that they were given a whole nuclear bomb that was smuggled out in the luggage of the Russian ambassador straight on a flight from Washington to Moscow according to the words of Victor Suvaro, the genius of the Russian Intelligence novels.”
“Vladimir Terziski: And basically those are documentary books that he has written. The best of them is ‘AQUARIUM’, for any one of our listeners who would like to acquaint himself with the workings of a secret society. Later on the Russians were sold a nuclear submarine in order to make their sagging strategic fleet a more real, threatening menace. Why would the Illuminati need a strong enemy in the Russias? Very simple, because otherwise they cannot keep the secrecy around these giant underground projects going on. Now the best reason they use is ‘Oh well, we cannot tell you about that, we cannot discuss this even in Congress because the Russians would know.’ It was cleverly used on both sides of the ‘curtain’ in order for the secret societies in both Russia and the United States to quietly engage in [and justify the massive financing of] these projects. Back to the Germans, the most interesting claim that they are (making) in another documentary film… available from us, is that they landed on Mars in mid-January 1946 after 8 months of heavy flight with a basically volunteer suicide crew of Germans and Japanese in a giant 230 foot diameter dreadnaut… again running on free energy, basically the Hanz-Kohler converters of gravity energy into electromagnetic energy of the flight. Another interesting thing that I found is a whole range of mind control experiments in Germany that were repeated verbatim by the super powers after the war. Mind control with ultrasound, when they were inducing and indoctrinating their crack S.S. troops, mind control with all kinds of synthetic hallucinogenic drugs, or all kinds of the ‘proper’ mushrooms, mind control that was developed using the Wilhelm Reichian technology.
In the initial states this (involved) types of sodomic mind control that was practiced by certain of the Ahrimanic and Luciferian orders of Tibetan monks that were visited by these numerous German ethnographic expeditions in the ’20s and ’30s, and all of this secret knowledge was later brought to Germany. We produce a fascinating tape here with Al Bielek and T. Johnson from Las Vegas on the magical-occult connections of the Third Reich, and we called the tape ‘OCCULT NATIONAL SHAMANISM’ in analogy to ‘National Socialism’, a fascinating tape that basically brings together about a dozen extremely rare books on the occult connections of the Third Reich, the dabblings with satanism, with witchcraft, with all kinds of unspeakable aberrations, including sexual aberrations… the Germans were in contact with half a dozen [malevolent] alien races in these big underground establishments, some of these underground bases were 2 kilometers long, one kilometer wide. I have found the drawings of the tunnel systems with these bases from incredible places including…the American Bombing Survey reports of underground…huge industrial establishments under the German mountains… the bottom line is that by the time the war ended the Germans were VERY HEAVILY doing all these major parts of the ILLUMINATI secret technologies on the planet… Mind Control technologies, a whole dozen of mind-control… I mean we have a tape here on mind control that was going on in the German bases. But the most important thing about their research was genetic engineering… Quite a well-known movie producer in southern California that produced one of the best known UFO docu-mentaries that won a big award has mentioned to me in a private conversation that while researching for that film he saw in a military-government archive a documentary, a silent documentary film about horrific genetic experiments on live human beings, I mean cutting of
heads, dismembering, reassembling, human bodies from parts – all these frankensteinean experiments in the German genetic program… and finally the film culminated with footage of living, walking, breathing HYBRIDS between HUMANS and ANIMALS that were produced in German concentration camps half a century earlier. The Reife [spl?] microscope, the Royal Reife microscope which is rumored to be a Tesla scaler-wave microscope that has an extremely…high resolution power and can see many levels of complexity beyond the hierarchial level of the cell, was probably the magical key to the human genome kingdom, the microscope was discovered in the ’20s in Berlin and probably gave the key to the Germans to the human genome. The big 10 billion dollar human genome project that is right now beginning to drain budget dollars run through the Dept. of Energy here, is nothing but a smokescreen for the REAL mastery of the human genome half a century earlier by the Illuminati that are running computerated designs of clones and human beings and all that stuff in the underground labs. (Note: The ‘genome project’ may also be a ‘cover’ for the activity taking place in the trilateral facilities below Dulce, New Mexico; the Nevada Test Site and the ‘Luna’ Base wherein genetic experimentation is reportedly being carried to it’s theoretical limits. So-called ‘abductees’
claim that they have seen Nazi officers and ‘aliens’ working together on aerial craft. Whether the ‘aliens’ are from some other world or whether they are genetically-fabricated clones developed by Nazi scientists or whether both scenarios exist I cannot say for certain. The most famous and one of the original ‘abduction’ experiences caused such a stir that a motion picture was made based upon the incident, called “THE INTERRUPTED JOURNEY”. According to the paranormal encyclopedia, “MYSTERIES OF MIND, SPACE & TIME”, the well-known Betty and Barney Hill abduction of 1961 reportedly involved gray-skinned humanoids “from Zeta Reticuli”. HOWEVER, one of the “beings” on the craft was described by Barney Hill in the following quote which is taken from p.1379 of the encyclopedia: “…another figure has an EVIL face… ‘HE LOOKS LIKE A GERMAN NAZI. HE’S A NAZI… HIS EYES! HIS EYES. I’VE NEVER SEEN EYES LIKE THAT BEFORE!” – Wol.)”
“S.R. – Hmm.
“Vladimir Terziski: – I take very seriously films, not only films like ‘BOYS FROM BRAZIL’ about the secret experiments in ‘education’ of abducted children… the (secret) government has been the biggest consumer of abducted children in this country, and I called just on a hunch this Milk Carton 1-800 number, chasing a rumor that 400,000 CHILDREN were missing from this country each year, (close to) half a million each year. I thought ‘Nah, maybe 20, 30 thousand, it’s not possible.’ And the lady there said… ‘No, we don’t have ANY statistics.’ ‘Well, any newspaper articles, any-
thing?’ ‘No, no, we DON’T have anything.’ And I was beginning to get more and more suspicious. Finally she made an ‘educated’ guess, having worked for 5 years in the system. She said, ‘About maybe 200,000 children a year or so.’ Within only 5 minutes…research I did, I got half of the wildest rumor that I’ve heard of, half a million missing every year. Most of them disappear in the underground…of the New World Order…
S.R. – That is amazing. Well, we do have to pause right here… (STATION BREAK)…
S.R. – Vladimir Trziski. He is a UFO researcher. He is a co-founder with Al Bielek of the ‘American Academy of Dissident Scientists’.
(Sam Russell takes a call at this point. The question is in regards to Vladimir’s professional background)
V.T. – Well, I studied Physics and Engineering at Tokai University in Tokyo, I have a Bachelor Degree in Physics, and a Master Degree in Electronics Engineering. I worked for four years at the Solar Energy Research Institute for the Bulgarian Academy of Science before immigrating to the United States. I studied for 3 and a half, 4 years, Sociology at Arizona State University, and at UCLA, and I’m slowly dragging this additional Degree of mine to a completion these days…
S.R. – …Well, O.K., let us move along and pick up on what you were talking about as we broke right there. This having to do with the genetic cloning and so on.
V.T. – I have two more items, basically very important items to finish and then we can to into the general discussions. To cap off the whole genetic research effort on the planet, it is not an idea of a few crazy frankensteinian scientists here and there in the secret underground bases, it is not a crazy idea by the secret government or even by some high levels of alien races that are using us as convenient guinea pigs… It is a much higher level of ‘party line’ agenda coming, my feeling is, from the… basically the fallen angelic presence on our planet that has been masterminding (the conspiracy)… probably 90% of the alien races that have visited our planet…most of them have been coming here on the planet sub-contracting for that particular branch of the ‘celestial management’ and the biggest point on their agenda is…the creation of life (or rather re-creation or re-arrangement of existing biological matter, since created beings whether standing or fallen can only RE-STRUCTURE what has already been created. – Wol) on top of advanced interstellar travel.”

110880cookie-checkValdimir Terziski interview, Part 23, continued…
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