UnSpun 027 – “The Whore of Babylon and Scarlet Woman as Agent”

UnSpun 027 – “The Whore of Babylon and Scarlet Woman as Agent”
“Aired June 21-22, 2016. Joe Atwill and Jan Irvin discuss the Whore of Babylon and the Scarlet Woman as Agent / spy. This is the first attempt to begin to understand this complex subject.!”
“One thing we can be sure of if they are actual agents they would be basically able to sleep with anyone because they would have had training and would have a probably a philosophical perspective
that they were bringing about the New World Order through their activities you know that sexuality would be weaponized yeah that would be the very first kind of attribute that that you could you could imagine.”
“It seems so ridiculously obvious when you start thinking about it too because it’s the oldest profession so how could this not be and how could you overlook sex as.. the first kind of
employees of MKULTRA that are non-military they were prostitutes you know operation midnight climax…”
“These women seem to be willing to get involved as well into long-term relationships they seem to have extreme denial of responsibility for their actions, one thing that really stands out to me is
healthy jealousy and I’m not talking about out of control psycho jealousy I’m talking about healthy jealousy ..but jealousy and healthy jealousy specifically is associated to someone’s ability to
directly associated to someone’s ability to express love and so any form of jealousy or very low amounts of jealousy seam present, so that should be another red flag to people when they
begin to see.”
“There’s such good evidence now of the operation of the secret society there’s a lot of details we don’t have yeah there it is right there exactly right and now that is just shocking and shows that ..that that the agents are able to go very very deep into a person’s lives ..I mean six-years.”‘
“Oh yeah I mean that which is what I was saying a minute ago they’re actually willing to invest their lives into this fraud.”
“That was in the UK I believe but you can imagine certainly in the US we have the same thing I think they’re very seldomly caught and so I just wanted to say first that you know this is a very paranoid vein of thinking and of course it can actually cause trouble in a person’s relationship if you’re accusing them of being an agent and you don’t really know how to make sense of it all you know it’s this is where we have been placed.”
“I think that trying to figure out the Whore of Babylon is probably the trickiest of all because unlike a spy like Timothy Leary…”
“This is a brand new topic folks..”
“It’s absolutely necessary to do this..”
“This is the kind of activity the citizen needs to do once you understand that there is an operation a kind of weaponized anthropology that the oligarchs are using against us, it’s necessary for the citizen to try to plug in understanding into almost all the aspects of your life right to see how they are weaponized I mean you know understand what the zombie films are about to understand what all of the archaic revival shows like naked and frayed are about and also to understand the female agents that have been basically we can see them as cultural pollutants and then the question arises well how vast an army of these individuals is there? How far down into society does this reach?”
“We see the roles that men play in the intelligence community and what they’re doing and of course some women agents kind of come up on the periphery but you know women, where are they?.. and see in our minds we have this automatic picture that women are nurturing and …it’s this patriarchal world and women couldn’t be involved in this stuff, so what better cover is there then one of these Babylon Whores or scarlet women to infiltrate something.”
The Comments are genius… Matrix Deciphered by the Virtual GlobaL Collective…
“Mario Cooke: vor 1 Jahr: this topic hit a nerve for me as I happen to know a woman like this. I call her a psycopath, but your program today helped me see a wider spectrum. For now, staying away is working, but I occasionally have a hard night, when I can’t sleep, and I think about her and I think she is robbing my sleep and peace of mind.”
“Marie: vor 1 Jahr: Read: A sociopath next door. Or 48 Laws of Power. Then ask a sweet, quiet, boring girl out. You don’t have to marry her – just reset your energy field with mellow female vibes.”
“norevelation: vor 1 Jahr: therationalmale.com Start studying up on Red Pill Philosophy and female hypergamy. This link will get you started. This is going to open your eyes to the matrix.”
“Mongoose Mojo: vor 1 Jahr:
Just for a quick clarification ,biblically speaking, the Whore of Babylon in the Book of Revelation represents a world religion that was opposed to God and would be used by the anti-christ (Beast) as a control mechanism. The analogy is that of a wife who was not true to her husband, in this instance, the wife equals God’s creation or people and God is obviously the husband.
I think Joe is right to say that the elites hate Christianity and need to destroy it to ruin the strength of the family and the moral integrity of a people but in the same turn have used Christianity in the past to control large populations. I also believe Joe is right when he says that these elites are using the Book of Revelation as a type of blue print to control the world, though I have a little different take on how they’ll do this. Looks like they will follow the outline in the book to create a new religion and a new world order that will be run from Jerusalem sometime in the future. Best mode of control is not drugs or money but in fact is religion and they are on their way to making this happen.”
“Mongoose Mojo: vor 1 Jahr: Real quick, from my understanding a Scarlet Woman was a woman playing a role in a specific type of sex magick ritual practiced in groups like the OTO.”
“LogosMedia: vor 1 Jahr: Not just the OTO. .. the idea is very ancient.”
“Katharsis540: vor 1 Jahr: Very interesting eye catching title there Jan Irwin, I have a question have you seen Michael Tsarion work on The Female Illuminati? There are parallel and you have brought ab interesting point with that title.”
“CyndiLu Stone: vor 10 Monaten: Men created MKULTRA to control the true feminine divinity. Twisting the Mother Goddess energy into the Whore’s is another male invention.”
“CyndiLu Stone: vor 10 Monaten: The men behind this want a Transvestite as their roll-model for the Whore of Babylon…She is not the true Mother.”
“Lupocide: vor 1 Jahr: What’s that they say about spiders again? “The female of the species is more deadly than the male” 😉
The Honeypot technique is still used for recruiting double agents and still as effective as ever i’d venture.”
“LEEBEEZY WR: vor 1 Jahr (bearbeitet): In scripture, a “woman” is often interchangeable with a church, and The Whore of Babylon is the Roman Catholic Church. If you’ll take note of Revelation 17 you’ll see a checklist of sorts, and Rome, The Vatican, and the Papacy meet all of the criteria. It’s colors are red and purple (colors of the Papacy), sits on 7 hills, reigns over the kings of the Earth (through their Jesuit Order and various knighthoods like The Knights of Malta), has shed the blood of the saints (Inquisition anyone?), and which the merchants of the world have been increased by (House of Rothschild aka “The Guardians of the Vatican Treasury” anyone?), etc…”
“Willie Gillie: vor 1 Jahr (bearbeitet): Lee Beezy good observation. And what about prayers to Lucifer at the Vatican?”
“antibs: vor 1 Jahr: Have you considered Mecca as the city? It works better.”
“Brian Kerr: vor 1 Jahr: I don’t think women get jealous because of love but because some other women would get the mans resources.”
“Keylow 89: vor 7 Monaten: I´m female I love sex.”
“Tim Frye: vor 1 Monat: So free thinking women who try and discover an identity apart from her very biblical assigned role as breeder– that is your idea of a Scarlet Woman? Ha. Remember– the “whore” rides upon a beast called ignorance.”

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